December 18th, 2020 Our products
Update on the new PBF manager app
Last March, following an in-depth training on our Performance-Based Financing tools, we asked our participants how we could improve our tools for all of our users. 6 […]

October 19th, 2020 Our products
What is Bluesquare’s role in the development of openIMIS?
openIMIS is a free and open-source software developed to accelerate Universal Health Coverage in low and middle income countries. The tool provides a modular open source platform […]

September 4th, 2020 Our products
The missing link. Using data technology to close the gap in supply chain management
Have you noticed that wherever you are in the world, you can almost always buy a bottle of Coke? Easier to find than some essential medicines, the […]

August 25th, 2020 Our products Projects
Risk Based Verification: Simple implementation using Hesabu and DHIS2
Performance Based Financing (PBF) is an innovative, results-oriented approach that incentivizes providers based on their achievement of agreed-upon, measurable performance targets. Incentives include financial payments, bonuses, and […]
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September 20th, 2016 Opinions Projects
Reliable routine health system data — at last? The added value of an integrated DHIS2 and RBF data system
A large number of countries in which we work have shifted their HMIS (health management information system) onto DHIS2 — a popular open source software tool developed by the […]

October 6th, 2022 Events & webinars
Webinar : Keep your GIS data healthy !
Ce webinaire sera aussi donné en français le mardi 25 octobre 2022! Geospatial data is increasingly used in the development sector for its ability to provide new […]

July 7th, 2022 Projects
La santé, c’est par où ? Comment nous avons cartographié 75% des centres de santé en RDC
Read this blog in english here. Amélioration des données géospatiales en RDC De bonnes données géospatiales sont la base de toute planification dans la stratégie de la […]

June 21st, 2024 Georegistry Global health Our products
IASO, la plateforme open source tout-en-un de géoregistre, digitalisation des campagnes et collecte de données, a 5 ans
Il y a cinq ans, en 2019, Bluesquare a créé IASO avec la vision tirer profit de données géographiques précises pour mieux structurer et rationaliser la collecte […]