Public portal for DHIS2
Communication between DHIS2 databases
DHIS2 computation engine
PBF invoice manager
Supply chain monitoring
DHIS2 shortcuts toolbox
Sending automated reports

Sending a DHIS2 Dashboard by mail to a custom mailing list, automatically.
DHIS2 currently only allows to send mail to users, however, in trying to communicate with various stakeholders, many users need to be able to reach a larger audience.
To solve this issue, Bluesquare has developed a tool that allows to send a DHIS2 Dashboard by mail to a custom mailing list, automatically.
Feedback Loop allows you to choose the dashboard you want to send, the frequency at which it’s sent and the mailing list you want to send it to.
The Feedback loop app also allows you to add comments and interpretation to the charts, maps, tables and anything you are sharing. The PDF format insures that whatever mail server, web browser or OS the recipient is using, there will be no display problem.
Through Feedback Loop, you will be able to:
– Reach a wider audience
– Reach the audience directly in their mailbox => no active behavior requested from your target (no connection to a website)
– Maintain your mailing list
– Create regular reports
– Create customizable reports based on DHIS2 data in a stable format.